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My encounter with Ernie the Lowland "Silverback" Gorilla

Al painting Ernie the gorilla. He posde for me for over an hour. He is incredibly intelligent.

I had the opportunity to paint the Knoxville Zoo's resident Silverback gorilla, Ernie, in autumn of 2006, as a new artist. His enclosure was large with a clear window separating us. I was able to set up my painting gear right next to the window.

Ernie saw me set up and start painting.  He came right up to me, obviously curious.  When I turned around the painting, he recognized it was him. He pointed to his chest and sat down right in front of me and posed for over an hour. He was so intelligent and completely aware of everything happening around him. We developed a real connection over the course of a day. Upon return visits to the zoo, it was clear that he remembered me and viewed me as a friend.

My encounter with Ernie profoundly changed me in two ways. First, I came to understand that animals, especially primates, are so much more intelligent and self aware than we give them credit for. They are true individuals. Second, I wanted to paint en plein air for the rest of my life.

In 2010, Ernie was moved to another zoo to be a part of a breeding program. Hopefully we will meet again someday!

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